Eye Safety Tips for Summer Sports and Activities

Eye Safety Tips for Summer Sports and Activities

As the weather starts to warm up, many of us are looking forward to getting outside and enjoying some summer sports and activities. Whether you’re playing baseball outside, hitting the trails for a bike ride, or just enjoying a day at the pool, it’s...
Halloween Eye Safety Tips

Halloween Eye Safety Tips

Halloween is a time for sugar highs, costume parties, and spooky fun. But it’s also a time when emergency rooms see an uptick in eye injuries, particularly among children. That’s because many popular Halloween activities risk eye injury and eye infections....
What Does it Mean to See Floaters and Flashes?

What Does it Mean to See Floaters and Flashes?

People can develop “floaters” in their field of vision, see flashes of light, or both at the same time. What is normal, and when should you be concerned if you are seeing floaters or flashes? What is a floater? Floaters are spots, squiggly lines, or strings in your...